

yogYOUnity was created to bring together local classes and events to online offerings from around the world by creating a limitless space to share with one another. The idea is to provide these opportunities in hopes of enriching individual growth and the expansion of our community. Each individual journey is unique. It is my hope to help you discover what guides you on yours.

It is my aspiration that this will go beyond a space of class listings and become a connecter, a community builder. I do not know where this is going; therefore, these words will likely change as the vision grows. However, I know where it is beginning and that is here with you and me. We are all connected. Let us build the connection together. It begins with you. We grow together. This is the journey to yogYOUnity.

Our Classes

Our approach is to connect you with an assortment of classes from a dynamic Vinyasa to a slow Hatha and everything in between. The instructors offer classes that go beyond the physical and integrate the connection between the mind, body and spirit by focusing on breathwork, energy flow and overall wellness. We work with local instructors and instructors from all over the world to provide you with diverse class options. Many of the classes are in the Dunkirk - Fredonia, New York area and some offerings are online. There is something for all levels and interests.

Class Descriptions

QiGong Gentle Wonders of The Ancient Masters

QiGong has been in existence for centuries. Starting in ancient China as a way of providing health and healing to members of the Imperial Palace and the warriors who protected them. This ancient health and wellness practice spelled Qigong or ChiKung focuses on self-awareness and letting go of stress by moving and transforming energies. Some practices increase Qi (the vital life force energy within), while others circulate the Qi within, or use Qi to cleanse and heal the body. Other practices focus on strengthening the Qi for longevity or to emit Qi to heal others. Mind-Body and Spirit connection is enhanced and harmonized through integrating breath work, focused intention, visualization, meridian activations, gentle stretches, flows, standing postures and meditation. QiGong practice moves energy which can be depleted, excessive or blocked in the cells, sometimes for years, and can manifest as stress, pain or disease. When energies flow freely, circulation of Qi and fluids improves, respiration, digestion, detoxification, cardiovascular systems improve, hormone levels regulate and all the body systems function better. Qigong is all about less stress-more energy. Healthy energy is available to be more productive and happy in all aspects of life: work, family and leisure. The basic belief is that stress (mental, emotional and physical) causes energy blockages in the body and the longer these blockages are locked or held in the body, the more likely disease will develop, and life quality, longevity and productivity will diminish.

Qigong is a safe and gentle practice appropriate for all ages and levels of physical fitness. Modifications can be made as needed.

Vinyasa Flow

Vinyasa Yoga is a dynamic practice that links postures together with a series of movements (vinyasa) while focusing on the breath to create balance in the mind and body. Many times classes are set to music, but sometimes they are not, allowing students to have a deep mind, body, spirit connection.

“You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop.”

~ Rumi